Why Divorce Mediation is Right for You

Divorce & Family Law

Posted in on November 18, 2020

Mediation is the process of resolving your divorce on your own terms.  A mediator works with both parties to help them achieve resolution of their disputes.  Mediation, particularly in the age of the COVID-19, provides several benefits which include:

  • Less expensive than litigation.
  • You avoid the backlog in the Courts providing a more expedient resolution.
  • You can determine the outcome of your case without having a Judge make important decisions about your lives.
  • You can make decisions jointly; who knows what is better for you and your family than you?
  • You can address issues that a Court will not entertain. For example, a custody arrangement for family pets, complicated parenting plans, etc.
  • Mediation allows for privacy. The court is an open forum and many of the private aspects of your life will be discussed in public.
  • Mediation participants are more satisfied and more likely to see the process as fair compared to those who elect to litigate.

After a successful mediation, your Separation Agreement must be drafted by a Lawyer.  Attorney Lisa Bond is a trained divorce mediator with almost 20 years of experience in divorce and family law with the capability of conducting mediations both in person and via Zoom.  Please contact Attorney Bond to discuss if mediation is right for you. – Lisa Bond, Esq.